Precise Scanning Performance

for a Healthy Saddle


This is a good tool for saddle building.

Brian Morris, Morris & Nolan

Horseshape FittingSet

Shapeproof and Saddleguide

The FittingSet can be ordered for every measurement and is individually manufactured. It has two parts the Shapeproof and the Saddleguide. The 1:1 negative model (Shapeproof) fits seamlessly on the horse’s back. The second model (Saddleguide) perfectly recreates the horsesback and is the perfect basis for saddle fitting and reflocking.


FittingSet – The life-size model of the horseback

Horseshape FittingSet - Two individual life-size models of a horseback
  • Individuality: The FittingSet is custom-made for every measurement and perfectly recreates the scanned horseback
  • Reliability: By direct data transfer to our cutting laser we can ensure highest reliability in our manufacturing process
  • Precision: Both parts of the FittingSet are produced out of single-piece material and therefore fit together perfectly

Shapeproof – Fits perfectly on the horse 

Horseshape Shapeproof - 1:1 negative model of a horseback
  • Documentation: The life-size model fits seamlessly on the horse and documents the horseback at the time of measurement
  • Show changes: By simply applying the Shapeproof to the horseback you can easily spot changes over time

Saddleguide – Takes the horseback to the workshop 

Horseshape Saddleguide - 1:1 positive model of a horseback
  • Recreating: The model precisely recreates the horse’s back and supports choosing, fitting and reflocking of the saddle

  • Transparency: By placing the Saddleguide in the saddle you can easily evaluate the saddle fit