Simply make a 3D Scan of the horseback anywhere in the world and only minutes later you can download your PDF file on the myHORSESHAPE platform and print the cuts you need on your own A4 or A3 printer in your shop.
Select: Open your Horseshape measurement on the myHORSESHAPE platform and select the cuts you want to print
Choose: Add a grid to the printout and choose the pdf file size for your printer (A4 or A3)
Print: Printout your individual life-size cuts on your own A4 or A3 printer
Cuts: Up to 6 Individual selectable cuts can be shown on one sheet. The mm information on the cuts shows the position in relation to the shoulder blade position
Top line: The top line is included. The cuts are marked and a floor level information is added
Schoulder blades: The position of the shoulder blade ends is marked (0 mm position)
18th spine: The position of the T18 is marked on the top line
Size Verification: Every printout has a verification scale on it. This enables you to verify the scaling of the printer with a ruler
Grid: You can add a 10mm grid pattern to the printout
QR-Code: The code leads directly to the measurement on the myHORSESHAPE platform