After measurement with the 3D-Scanner the scan data is uploaded to the myHORSESHAPE Platform and processed by our servers. The processed scan data is the basis for documentation, editing and sharing of your measurement.
Documentation: The measurements are stored online and can be accessed anytime worldwide with all devices (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.)
Highest data security: All data is stored in two geographically separated data centers and is secured by modern security architecture
Visualisation: Every measurement is shown in various 3D views. This allows a detailed evaluation of the horseback
Measuring tools: Use our handy online measurement tools to visualize any cross sections of the horse’s back and measure distances and angles
3D-PDF: This professional CAD-type tool enables you to conduct any measurement within the 3D data
Download: All measurement information can be downloaded as PDF and is then available offline
TOMAX: The platform automatically provides measurement matrix (according to BVFR/FN) for horseback simulators. This data can be downloaded as PDF for the HBST or as file for the HBST+ digital. More information here
Share data: Share your measurement directly with saddle makers. This enables the manufacturer to immediately access your scan data and start building your saddle. More information here
FittingSet: Order the individual manufactured life-size model of your horseback. More information here
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